
Self Actualization Conversations & Turmeric Tea Recipe

Salutations! Hope you're amazing! I'll get around to writing all the Anti-Inflammatory benefits and the Anti-Microbial Properties and all the Gut Health and Digestion Benefits and all of this, but for now, at least here's the recipe :) please please please do Google the benefits because your Mind and Body will thank you so so deeply. There's a ton, But what has it done for me? I remember right this moment that Turmeric is Anti-Inflammatory, and the reason I remember that is that every morning when I drink this Tea, especially on an empty stomach, it starts cleaning out my system, pulling what I call Inflammation, the gunk that is not serving our bodies. I'm sure there are so many different teas and herbs and all that offer Anti-Inflammation, this is simply the one that works best for me because my Mom started making it quite a few years back everyday and my body super felt the benefits right away. Now I know there are all sorts of bodies and unique aspects of each p...

Accepting All Parts of Ourselves

 Have you ever felt a sensation that feels just like what the fuck is this?! Like, why am I feeling a sensation in my body that feels like my body is totally dysregulated? It doesn't feel good to say the least. And mostly this sensation happens around other people. And then I'm alone again and the sensations coming to the forefront feel really peaceful for the most part, not 100% all of the time but mostly yeah. Testing the alternating nasal breath, all clear up and down, maybe a tiny little something in the chest but very slight, not enough to trigger a thought that there's something out of wack because it's happening while I'm writing, so the subconscious mind might also thinking about how this piece might be perceived. And that's okay, I accept that about myself; I accept that I want my work to be received well, and I don't think that's a weakness because I'm completely genuine in my creative expressions, I pour my heart and soul into anything I p...

Day 2 Food Fast

Haven't had any calories today, no sweeteners, no food, didn't even have the fermented yogurt drink, just water w salt and magnesium, a multi vitamin, non calorie non sweetened teas, coffee, and have been receiving downloads quite a bit. Consistent self empowering actions everyday, self restraint from over indulgence, mental resolve, embody discipline, mental toughness, physical toughness, primalness, clear out the body, clear out the mind, detach.. stick to myself, breathe, meditate, journal, be of service, share my gifts from afar, cut the cords, I validate myself, I'm solo, more alone time. Aloe Vera Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar brought back more focus and got rid of the small mental desire I was momentarily having for food. I wasn't going to eat anyway, but it was nice to get rid of that sensation too.  When we hunch it creates a pressure point in the Solar Plexus that sends pressure both to the Sacral Region and to the Heart Region, both of which we most likely mi...

Fasting Day 1 - Journaling Entry

 Waking up with a totally empty stomach feels like the way to go. That is to say that I really enjoy the clear headedness and really enjoy how ready the mind and body are to get after it. First I observed that the body was empty of food and has quite a bit of energy, probably more than usual. Also observed that the Brain feels clear and the Pineal Gland Region is nicely attuned, and my mom is calmer than it was, ready to focus. I went outside and showered some love on the plants, made the Turmeric Water and Chai, of course without any sweeteners or additives or milk, and have found it much easier to not focus on what anyone else is thinking, saying, doing, or feeling. The old habit wanted to at one point and I found it quite easy to not do that, adjust my trajectory and bring it back to self. I believe I am recognizing a strong desire to prove to myself how mentally and physically tough my mind and body are, I being Spirit or the Consciousness running the Show. I believe this Fast'...

Turmeric Tea Recipe

 Salutations! Hope you're amazing! I'll get around to writing all the Anti-Inflammatory benefits and the Anti-Microbial Properties and the Gut Health and Digestion Benefits and all of this, but for now, at least here's the recipe :) I know we all have Google so if you want to check out the Benefits before I get to writing the full spread, please please please do because your Mind and Body will thank you so so deeply.  *I find it best to consume the Tea on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Lately I've been focusing on integrating the Protein Shake back into the diet, so still playing with the placement. I tried adding all the Turmeric Ingredients into the Protein Shake but was reminded or how effectively the Turmeric Ingredients flush out the system and I desire for the other Protein Shake Ingredients to be absorbed, so I've now gone to Protein Shake first, waiting a good half hour or hour, then going to the Tea. But I'm still playing with the order an...

Divinity Transcends Gender..

First off, Dad, as you read this, you'll probably not enjoy some of it. But trust me, get to the end, because I am so so proud of you and I have so much respect for the way you handle your biz today. Hopefully there's a bit of resonance in the parts you maybe won't like as well haha.. And Mom, same with you, you have ascended past the gender role that was engrained within you as well, and I absolutely bow down to how you have seated into your Divine power. Eternally grateful to both of you. Love you so much. And to my only blood brother, I understand if you're upset by my pieces or however you feel reading them. It's okay, I love you and I respect however you feel. I’m about to cross a bridge that my consciousness says I've been needing to address lately, gender roles. I didn’t realize it, but now that I have been studying my subconscious more than ever before, it’s as clear as a fresh period of light that my internal operating system, external reality, and ever...

Unexpected Wisdom From Studying My Generational DNA

I started smoking weed when I was 13ish years old, 7th or 8th grade. Originally what happened was, I wanted a T-Shirt from the Puff Daddy & The Family Tour, my parents wouldn't let me go to the concert. But they gave me 20 bucks to have "a friend" get me a T-Shirt, and of course none of my nerd friends were going... But some of the "G''s" were, you know, like "this is for the G's and this for the Hustlas?" So I gave them the money, and maybe the day after the show or the next Monday or whatever it was, I went up to them and asked if they got me the shirt. They said no and instead offered me what was probably a dime bag of dirty brown weed, might as well call it hierba or grass in Espanol.  I'd never smoked weed before, I played video games, the Star Wars Card Game, and maybe I was still regularly practicing Karate, can't remember now. Had a handful of friends, just as many that didn't go to school with me as ones who did, an...