Self Actualization Conversations & Turmeric Tea Recipe
Salutations! Hope you're amazing! I'll get around to writing all the Anti-Inflammatory benefits and the Anti-Microbial Properties and all the Gut Health and Digestion Benefits and all of this, but for now, at least here's the recipe :) please please please do Google the benefits because your Mind and Body will thank you so so deeply. There's a ton, But what has it done for me? I remember right this moment that Turmeric is Anti-Inflammatory, and the reason I remember that is that every morning when I drink this Tea, especially on an empty stomach, it starts cleaning out my system, pulling what I call Inflammation, the gunk that is not serving our bodies. I'm sure there are so many different teas and herbs and all that offer Anti-Inflammation, this is simply the one that works best for me because my Mom started making it quite a few years back everyday and my body super felt the benefits right away. Now I know there are all sorts of bodies and unique aspects of each person's biological makeup, so I'm going to advise that you begin drinking the tea on your own risk, I'm not a doctor, do consult your physician if you have any concerns. Of course don't consume the tea if you're allergic to any of the ingredients. Adjust everything to your taste and tolerance, maybe start with a little bit of each and go from there if you like. But the heavy majority of bodies will respond really well to this drink, even if you don't add everything else.
*Just make sure to at least do the Turmeric with Black Pepper, even if that's all you do, because the Piperine in the Black Pepper helps the body absorb way more of the Curcumin, which is the active ingredient in Turmeric. Without Black Pepper, some results still, but with Black Pepper, let's fucking go! Below you're gonna read that I drank the Protein Shake first for a little bit, and that's true, because I believed my brain's beautiful possibility it presented, which was that feeding the body protein first would quench the muscles' thirst for the branch chain amino acid chains to repair and build lean muscle. Yeah as I read those words I agree with them, so I decide in this moment to fully support my body getting empowered with more muscle repair, more lean muscle growth, and the vitamins and minerals that come along with those ingredients. so I'll restart drinking the protein shake and remember if the body responds best drinking the shake before or after Turmeric. Transparency, full authenticity, that's what I'm really serving!
*I find it best to consume the Tea on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
Lately I've been focusing on integrating the Protein Shake back into the diet, so still playing with the placement. I tried adding all the Turmeric Ingredients into the Protein Shake but was reminded or how effectively the Turmeric Ingredients flush out the system and I desire for the other Protein Shake Ingredients to be absorbed, so I've now gone to Protein Shake first, waiting a good half hour or hour, then going to the Tea. But I'm still playing with the order and would love to hear your experience!
I don't believe I'm the Most Expertest Expert around, I want to stay a student actually, no matter how much I experience. Experience is not a possession, so if I say "no matter how much experience I have" then it implies experience being a possession, but I don't believe that. I believe we get to experience, and every experience simply adds to the richness of our spirit, which I guess is why I almost said how much experience I have, but caught myself, very grateful, because when I read the line that expresses seeing experience as a possession, I feel scarcity. But then, when I back up and say "how much I experience", my spirit doesn't feel scarcity, my spirit feels hopefulness that more experience is coming. Maybe I have been in a scarcity resonance for a bit at least, which is understandable because, my belief, that my financial abundance unlocks proportional to how closely I am resonating with the purpose I perceive my self to be fulfilling in this lifetime. It's totally cool if you don't agree, I'm down to hear any opinions and not judge each other for them, it's possible to shift opinions too, that's much of the fun in there being so many different kinds of people around.
*I find it best to consume the Tea on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
I have all the compassion in the World for me, my self and I, for doing that for a short while. I am in this moment celebrating that when my beautiful computer of a mind had the thought that one possibility is to drink the protein shake first thing before the turmeric. I appreciate you Brain, Beautiful Mind, I really do. You are an amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing fascinating like I am so in awe of everything you do, my goodness.. Mind, You are so beautiful, sorry I didn't appreciate you before. This recognition is so healing. Because I truly appreciate what you do for me, what you've always done for me, part of which is you process all the resonances that I am feeling and transmute those waves into thoughts. You also communicate with the whole body, all of the systems, you're like the most amazing computer I've ever seen, and I get to feel how powerful you are. Oh man, when you get going Brain, oooooooooooh man you ice cold baby. hahahhaha. Here's how I believe we work together, feel free to add whatever I miss. I believe that you, my beautiful Brain, present ideas, sometimes solely from the resonances I am tapping into, and sometimes you pull the thoughts from the shared Human Experience, that we frequently call the Akashik Records. Doesn't feel entirely true, let's see. Brain, are you simply putting out thoughts that express the resonances already in my being? That feels like it contains most of the truth I seek, let's see. Okay Brain, do you input what I consciously want with what my history subconsciously wants, as well as what my Bloodline wants, and maybe even some of the wisdom from the Akashik? Let's walk down this road and see. So Brain, you take all of the inputs, every resonance we experience and you plug them all into your software, and that's the thoughts you present? And then I observe your thoughts and then feelings present themselves that are essentially the resulting output from combining those thoughts, which are all objective, you're not emotional right? And so then I witness the meeting of the Brain's thoughts and the feelings that my self feels based on running that thought through the human experience up till this point in this lifetime filter? Ok, if that's true or close to it, then why does my heart feel some hurt when I just read that? What is this pain under the body's right side of the chest? Is that from not feeling support? Where is that coming from? Is it because I haven't built my foundation and therefore I haven't had my own support system to feel ready for whatever happens in this life? Is it the fear of unexpected events happening that could take away what we've been wanting to build? Is that what the fear is? Seems there's some truth there.
The Physical Body is manifesting the physical reactions of the resonances we are tapping into. And the resonances we are tapping into depends on how much we believe in our selves, how empowered our minds and bodies feel, how much fun we are having, and what feels like the biggest factor, how aligned are my actions with the life I believe I am meant to live and most want to live. And I would even take away life I am meant to live from that because I don't believe I can only live one life, but I do believe that a life full of the resonances we hold highest in terms of seeing ourselves doing that, is what empowers me most and fulfills my soul the most.
I am eternal, I am Consciousness, 1 Lens of Consciousness, one Puzzle Piece. The reasoning for the Turmeric first thing on an empty stomach makes sense too. I am witnessing an inner standing that turmeric and/or strong Anti-Inflammatory ingredient consumption of some sort first thing on an empty stomach serves me getting to think, feel, and do exactly what I want to in this lifetime. And that serves my body, mind and spirit more than any practice, no matter how often. Living the life I want to live, that's the only life I am willing to work hard for, and that's the unlock in my life, that's why I haven't worked hard consistently towards anything else. But I can see myself actually doing whatever is necessary to live that life.
What you just read, this unraveling of the mind, this awareness, this expanded consciousness, the Turmeric Tea definitely helps all that. True believer man, the Turmeric Tea has helped unravel my mind in this life time and time again, this time seems like the most genuine because it's coming from an understanding of truly seeing and feeling from the first gate what it feels like to get back on your path. And I know I'm meant to share content and I really really love getting to witness the journey of unraveling the mind and thoughts and resonating on a higher frequency. I used to resonate on super high frequencies like almost all the time, it's been a little less lately, but I know why now. It's because I am meant to actually have the experience of having my beliefs shocked from getting uncomfortable and then breaking them all down one by one. That's what I've been up to all month, living in my close friend's (Brother forreal) garage, to get the clarity and get going building it. Seems I am meant to experience getting that life after not feeling anywhere near the top of my empowerment scale for the last few years really. I'm meant to see that it can be really hard to get out of a chapter like that. I wish I could say that it was a breeze but it's taken a little bit. I am meant to inner stand and feel what even way more people have been through, rise back up after swimming in the ashes, and see firsthand that it is always still possible to rebuild no matter where we go, and ascend from a much more genuine place that only comes from, my experience, aligning back with the path we're meant to be on. That's the only way. Definitely a Person or 2 to thank for their presence and guidance and seeing me for all I am and embodying the courage and confidence to share with me what they are seeing that, when in an emotional space, sometimes I do not. You know who you are. Thank you for standing in your light with so much confidence that you can see and love me to the extent that you cast the beautiful spell verbally and energetically, like why is it called spelling right, our words and intention and energy crafts words into reality if we believe and if we do it, right.
I would agree with that in the most empowering confirmation for this beautiful path that's right in front of me that I want to have so badly that I'll do the actions, it's happening, and the thought I'm choosing to believe is, that by being transparent right now 100%, it gives me the opportunity to track so much more of the journey, which I know will end up helping someone else at some point, or maybe reminding me at some point, and no matter what's going on in the experience, all of those would be helpful to someone. I observed that the right side of my chest got a sensation when I typed out maybe it will remind me, and then it just flashed through the right armpit, which means usually that my subconscious is having an insecurity about the future. So this one would be most likely because in this lifetime so far, I haven't built anything that has lasted, and I believe I am meant to be highly successful, highly financially rewarded, able to share those rewards with the people I love, like my Family and close friends and give to strangers too. So I believe that's why my body had a stored insecurity of what our financial situation will be for the rest of our days in this lifetime. And that's totally understandable because I truly haven't created any systems that are still in existence, and because of that I don't have a financial foundation at this time. But, I fully recognize that I can create these systems and these systems can absolutely sustain me getting to share my gifts with the World, for which I am to be highly financially rewarded, because that is what authentically sharing our gifts does. That is the formula, share your gifts authentically and truly believe that we are living a life we love, which includes what and how we're offering our gifts to the World, then that will take away the financial insecurities and that is how I live feeling fulfilled.
Right now I just need to focus on practicing and learning and allowing my self to melt away from every activity and place and any thing that is not directly in this path. Like, that's the only answer here, get the Herbs going, get planting, keep throwing back the Turmeric first thing in the morning LOL.. so don't shy away from starting to consume Turmeric Water every fresh period of light because of where I'm at, I realize fully how this authenticity paints me to be, and that's okay. The Turmeric is and has elevated my processes. And again it's totally cool if you read all of that and say, "man Jai is off," yeah I've definitely been out of alignment for the past few years, I won't argue that. But that's not Turmeric's fault, Turmeric and all these ingredients have done wonders for me over the years, and especially right now in this massive course correction hahaha... I've also helped some people with decluttering their guts, it's like, I'm in the Third Quarter of reaching a milestone I've seen in my mind's eye that I really feel empowered by. The reason I've been so passionate about sharing this stuff is because I've seen massive differences in my own body and mind and energy from consuming what I've encouraged everyone else to consume. I''ve been consuming these beautiful Mother Earth Gifts for several years, right, and I do these Amboy practices that reset and clear out the Gut, thank you Patel Family for this knowledge coming my Bloodline's Way because it literally cleared out my gut like never before. Forreal! We constrict the big toes 1-by-1, working out the knots in the bottoms of the feet, putting a Diya (this can be in various forms, we typically use a cotton wick dipped in ghee) in a holder and on the belly button, then we apply a Hing (Asafoetida) Paste to the belly button before bed. We also make a different tea for that, consisting of Coriander Seeds, Ajma (Carom) Seeds, Fresh Ginger, Jeera (Cumin) Seeds, a little Cardamom, Cinnamon and Clove. The next day we drink these tea as well through the day, maybe even two or three more days if there's a bunch of Inflammation, and we swallow some Methi (Fenugreek) Seeds after meals for a few days. You would not believe the results this produces, oh my goodness. Let me know if you want to try :)
Turmeric Tea Recipe
1. Just enough water in an pot to coat the bottom and toast the ingredients in Steps 1-5. Medium high or so on the heat.
2. Grate Some Fresh Ginger to your taste. We love grating so much that the aroma takes over the entire Kitchen and goes into other parts of the Home :) The entire Digestive System as well as the Throat and Organs really love Ginger's Effects.
3. Grate some Fresh Turmeric Root to your taste. Turmeric has loads of Anti-Inflammatory benefit so you can't go wrong with a heavy hand on the Turmeric. If you'd rather use Ground Turmeric or some of the Fresh and some of the Ground, that's cool too, up to you!
4. A little Black Pepper because Pepper activates Curcumin and more of Turmeric's powerful Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Gut Health properties. Basically, adding Pepper allows the Body to absorb more of the Goodness you want!
5. Freshly grind some Cinnamon, Clove, and Cardamom to your taste, and add those. Add a pinch of Salt to speed up the Boiling and give the Body some Electrolytes. Mix everything up. Now add the rest of the Water you desire, 1 cup, 2 cups, whatever you like. You can always use the same ingredients in the pot to make another round of tea or blend them up as a starter for a Curry or Kitchari or Thai or whatever you're cooking :)
6. Cover if you'd like, allowing the Ingredients to get married for a bit :)
7. Check back in a bit, maybe 5 minutes. Let the Ingredients boil for a good little while to extract more of the Goodness you desire.
8. Strain and enjoy hot, or let cool and drink over ice, the benefits are plentiful either way, although some Ancients would probably urge us to drink this Tea hot so that it makes its way through the Body's Systems a bit faster. Upon research I'm not finding much to suggest that warmer liquids move through the body faster. But what I did find is, that warmer liquids may aid digestion more as well as raise the Body's Temperature, which can in turn also speed up Metabolism.
*I add Fresh Squeezed Lemon most days, sometimes Fresh Squeezed Orange as well, as they both offer Anti-Oxidants, aid the Digestive System, assist the Body to absorb more Iron from the Vitamin C, which helps Immunity, Blood Sugar Management, good for the skin and eyes and blood and fiber.. all of that.
*A couple days a week I also add Mullein as a Chest Decongestant, it's a natural herb that can also be smoked and believe it or not, either way helps remove mucus from the Chest.
*A couple days a week I also add Mugwart, another Anti-Inflammatory natural herb that aids the Digestive System, is an Antifungal that can get rid of Skin Infections and conditions, can help with Menstrual regulation for all our Sisters out there, can help with headaches, fever, nerve issues, insomnia, anxiety, really awesome gift from Mother Nature.
And please do let us know how you enjoyed making this Tea and what it does for you. I hope it works wonders like it has for me. Love you.
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