Turmeric Tea Recipe

 Salutations! Hope you're amazing! I'll get around to writing all the Anti-Inflammatory benefits and the Anti-Microbial Properties and the Gut Health and Digestion Benefits and all of this, but for now, at least here's the recipe :) I know we all have Google so if you want to check out the Benefits before I get to writing the full spread, please please please do because your Mind and Body will thank you so so deeply. 

*I find it best to consume the Tea on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Lately I've been focusing on integrating the Protein Shake back into the diet, so still playing with the placement. I tried adding all the Turmeric Ingredients into the Protein Shake but was reminded or how effectively the Turmeric Ingredients flush out the system and I desire for the other Protein Shake Ingredients to be absorbed, so I've now gone to Protein Shake first, waiting a good half hour or hour, then going to the Tea. But I'm still playing with the order and would love to hear your experience!

Turmeric Tea Recipe

1. Just enough water in an pot to coat the bottom and toast the ingredients in Steps 1-5. Medium high or so on the heat. 

2. Grate Some Fresh Ginger to your taste. We love grating so much that the aroma takes over the entire Kitchen and goes into other parts of the Home :) The entire Digestive System as well as the Throat and Organs really love Ginger's Effects.

3. Grate some Fresh Turmeric Root to your taste. Turmeric has loads of Anti-Inflammatory benefit so you can't go wrong with a heavy hand on the Turmeric. If you'd rather use Ground Turmeric or some of the Fresh and some of the Ground, that's cool too, up to you! 

4. A little Black Pepper because Pepper activates Curcumin and more of Turmeric's powerful Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Gut Health properties. Basically, adding Pepper allows the Body to absorb more of the Goodness you want! 

5. Freshly grind some Cinnamon, Clove, and Cardamom to your taste, and add those. Add a pinch of Salt to speed up the Boiling and give the Body some Electrolytes. Mix everything up. Now add the rest of the Water you desire, 1 cup, 2 cups, whatever you like. You can always use the same ingredients in the pot to make another round of tea or blend them up as a starter for a Curry or Kitchari or Thai or whatever you're cooking :)

6. Cover if you'd like, allowing the Ingredients to get married for a bit :)

7. Check back in a bit, maybe 5 minutes. Let the Ingredients boil for a good little while to extract more of the Goodness you desire.

8. Strain and enjoy hot, or let cool and drink over ice, the benefits are plentiful either way, although some Ancients would probably urge us to drink this Tea hot so that it makes its way through the Body's Systems a bit faster. Upon research I'm not finding much to suggest that warmer liquids move through the body faster. But what I did find is, that warmer liquids may aid digestion more as well as raise the Body's Temperature, which can in turn also speed up Metabolism. 

*I add Fresh Squeezed Lemon most days, sometimes Fresh Squeezed Orange as well, as they both offer Anti-Oxidants, aid the Digestive System, assist the Body to absorb more Iron from the Vitamin C, which helps Immunity, Blood Sugar Management, good for the skin and eyes and blood and fiber.. all of that. 

*A couple days a week I also add Mullein as a Chest Decongestant, it's a natural herb that can also be smoked and believe it or not, either way helps remove mucus from the Chest. 

*A couple days a week I also add Mugwart, another Anti-Inflammatory natural herb that aids the Digestive System, is an Antifungal that can get rid of Skin Infections and conditions, can help with Menstrual regulation for all our Sisters out there, can help with headaches, fever, nerve issues, insomnia, anxiety, really awesome gift from Mother Nature. 

And please do let us know how you enjoyed making this Tea. 


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