Day 2 Food Fast
Haven't had any calories today, no sweeteners, no food, didn't even have the fermented yogurt drink, just water w salt and magnesium, a multi vitamin, non calorie non sweetened teas, coffee, and have been receiving downloads quite a bit. Consistent self empowering actions everyday, self restraint from over indulgence, mental resolve, embody discipline, mental toughness, physical toughness, primalness, clear out the body, clear out the mind, detach.. stick to myself, breathe, meditate, journal, be of service, share my gifts from afar, cut the cords, I validate myself, I'm solo, more alone time.
Aloe Vera Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar brought back more focus and got rid of the small mental desire I was momentarily having for food. I wasn't going to eat anyway, but it was nice to get rid of that sensation too.
When we hunch it creates a pressure point in the Solar Plexus that sends pressure both to the Sacral Region and to the Heart Region, both of which we most likely mistake for emotional issues. Keep placing awareness on posture to avoid all that and if we notice those pressures come at it from a posture perspective first.
Keep eating the multivitamin
Great day 2. Very happy with myself. Made a ton of progress in the goal I'm currently working on. Will share that pretty soon too. Looking forward to seeing what Day 3 brings!
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