Fasting Day 1 - Journaling Entry
Waking up with a totally empty stomach feels like the way to go. That is to say that I really enjoy the clear headedness and really enjoy how ready the mind and body are to get after it. First I observed that the body was empty of food and has quite a bit of energy, probably more than usual. Also observed that the Brain feels clear and the Pineal Gland Region is nicely attuned, and my mom is calmer than it was, ready to focus. I went outside and showered some love on the plants, made the Turmeric Water and Chai, of course without any sweeteners or additives or milk, and have found it much easier to not focus on what anyone else is thinking, saying, doing, or feeling. The old habit wanted to at one point and I found it quite easy to not do that, adjust my trajectory and bring it back to self. I believe I am recognizing a strong desire to prove to myself how mentally and physically tough my mind and body are, I being Spirit or the Consciousness running the Show. I believe this Fast's intention is to return to a place of focus, intention, and attention on personal goals and living the life I want to live. What does that look like?
I deeply want to inspire again
that means consistent self empowering action and connecting with the empowered me, others will see
Self restraint from indulgence creates mental toughness
mental resolve to embody discipline
mental toughness
physical toughness
Thinking we'll fast for at least several days and assess
attracting exactly what I want by integrating the ways of life they create
clear out the body
clear out the mind
clear the chakras
detach the emotions from anything anywhere else, anybody else, that's up to them entirely, cut the cords
stick to myself
Intentional breathing styles to keep in my aura
being of service from afar
sharing my gifts from afar
Validate self
I'm solo
I'm whole
more time alone
just be
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